Markets Served
IdentiSys represents over 70 key manufacturers in the identification, security, and tracking marketplace in order to offer identity and security solutions that meet the needs of organizations in corporate, education, financial, gaming, government, healthcare, insurance, loyalty/membership, retail, transportation and other markets. IdentiSys offers a complete range of products, services and software solutions that apply to each of the markets.
Headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, IdentiSys provides superior local service and support to customers worldwide. Currently IdentiSys has over 75,000 customers in the U.S.
IdentiSys has local consultative sales and service representatives covering California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Representatives are available to meet with customers personally to discuss all of the identification, security, and tracking needs.