If you purchased a Entrust (formerly Datacard) CD880, we recommend you update the firmware to your printer to accept new supplies. If you purchased your printer with a firmware version older than D3.18.3-6, it is recommended that you update.
Why should I update?
With the new Sigma series printers from Entrust, CD880 ribbons will eventually be discontinued at some point. This new firmware update will ensure you will have a replacement option for legacy CD880 supplies. Legacy supplies will continue to work with the new firmware update, but newer, widely available ribbons (along with a special cartridge) will work with CD880s once older supplies are depleted.
What is needed to update?
Download and install this driver: FirmwareUpdate_D3.19.2-5000
- Firmware update instructions
- If you have existing CD880 ribbons, you can continue to use those supplies until your inventory is depleted.
- With the update, your CD880 will be ready accept new supplies with a new ribbon cartridge assembly.
Purchase a new ribbon cartridge that will accept new ribbons:
- Sigma Retrofit Cartridge Assembly for CD8xx Custom Printers - p/n 530064-998
- To purchase, contact your local IdentiSys sales rep or contact us.
Use the table below to determine the new replacement ribbon for when legacy CD880 ribbons supplies deplete:

*Note: If you print monochrome only, no firmware upgrade or cartridge is required.