ID Card Emboss​ing Systems

Emboss PVC Cards, Credit Cards and Patient ID Cards

Embossed cards were used in the past to approve credit card transactions by making a physical impression of the numbers via carbon packets and a “zip zap” machine. Even though this type of procedure is not used today for financial transactions, it is still a common manufacturing habit and some hospitals today prefer to use embossed patient ID cards.

plastic pvc card embossers

There are two common types of plastic ID card embossers: systems that strictly emboss cards and machines that print images and emboss cards in one pass through. Both types of embossers may have options for mag and EMV encoding capabilities. IdentiSys offers both PVC card embossers and PVC card printers with embossing.

IdentiSys local representatives nationwide can provide expert advice, consultation and on-site demonstrations. Additionally, IdentiSys customer engineers provide local on-site service, maintenance and installations.