FARGO HDP5000 ID Card Printer Ribbons

Note: If you are running firmware version 5.4.5 or newer, ​use HDP5600 ribbons.

There are three ways to get more information on these products and to receive a custom quote:

  1. Add this product to your "items of interest" cart and send the request
  2. Use our online form
  3. Call our toll-free number: 877.213.8180

​Our ID experts are available to find the right supplies for your ID card printer.

Cleaning kits and lamination rolls for the ​HDP5000 are also available. Contact us for a quote.

All ribbons must be used with 84053 re-transfer film.

  • Fargo 84051 YMCK Color Ribbon - 500 Images - HDP 500...

      HID Fargo YMCK Full-Color Ribbon: Full-Color Ribbon with Resin Black Panel Genuine HID Fargo part number 84051 (084051) Prints 500 images per roll HID Fargo 84051 YMCK color printer ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about HID Fargo printer supplies ...
      Product details
    • YMCK Color Ribbon

      Fargo 84061 YMCFK Color & Fluorescent Ribbon - 500 Im...

        HID Fargo YMCFK Full-Color Ribbon: Full-Color Ribbon with Resin Black and a Dye-Based Fluorescing (UV Fluorescent) Panels Genuine HID Fargo part number 84061 (084061) Prints 500 images per roll HID Fargo 84061 YMCFK color ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) For questions about HID ...
        Product details
      • YMCK Color Ribbon

        Fargo 84052 YMCKK Color Ribbon - 500 Images - HDP 50...

          HID Fargo YMCKK Full-Color Ribbon: Full-Color Ribbon with Two Resin Black Panels Genuine HID Fargo part number 84052 (084052) Prints 500 images per roll HID Fargo 84052 YMCKK color printer ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about HID Fargo ...
          Product details
        • Fargo 84053 HDP Retransfer Film - 1500 Images - HDP ...

            HID Fargo HDP Retransfer Film Genuine HID Fargo part number 84053 (084053) Prints 1,500 images per roll HID Fargo 84053 re-transfer film is for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about HID Fargo printer supplies and accessories, call our toll-free number to speak with a product ...
            Product details
          • color hdp film

            Fargo 84056 YMCKH Color & Heat Seal Ribbon - 500 Imag...

              HID Fargo YMCKH Full-Color Ribbon: Full-Color Ribbon with Resin Black and Heat Seal Panel Genuine HID Fargo part number 84056 (084056) Prints 500 images per roll HID Fargo 84056 YMCKH color printer ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about ...
              Product details
            • Overlaminate Clear

              Fargo 82600 0.6 mil Polyguard Clear Laminate - 250 Cards

                HID Fargo Polyguard 0.6 mil Overlaminate Clear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82600 (082600) Laminates 250 imprints per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 HID Fargo 82600 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) DTC4500 (DTC 4500) DTC1500 (DTC 1500) For ...
                Product details
              • Fargo 84060 Premium Black (K) Monochrome Ribbon - 300...

                  HID Fargo Premium Black (K) Monochrome Ribbon Genuine HID Fargo part number 84060 (084060) Prints 3,000 images per roll HID Fargo 84060 K premium black printer ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about HID Fargo printer supplies and accessories, call our toll-free number ...
                  Product details
                • HDP color ribbon

                  Fargo 84050 YMC Color Ribbon - 750 Images - HDP 5000...

                    HID Fargo YMC Full-Color Ribbon Genuine HID Fargo part number 84050 (084050) Prints 750 images per roll HID Fargo 84050 YMC color ribbons are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP5000e (HDP 5000e) HDPii (HDP ii) For questions about HID Fargo printer supplies and accessories, call our toll-free number to ...
                    Product details
                  • YMCK Color Ribbon

                    Fargo 84057 YMCKI Color Ribbon & Inhibitor - 500 or 2...

                      HID Fargo YMCKI Color Ribbon: Full-Color Ribbon with Resin Black and Inhibitor Panels Genuine HID Fargo part number 84057 (084057) Prints 500 images per roll (with YMC on front and KI on back - only when foil hologram is on back of card) Prints 250 images per roll (with YMCKI on both front ...
                      Product details
                    • Fargo 82601 1.0 mil Polyguard Clear Laminate - 250 Cards

                        HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate Clear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82601 (082601) Laminates 250 cards per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 HID Fargo 82601 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) DTC4500 (DTC 4500) DTC1500 (DTC 1500)​ For ...
                        Product details
                      • Fargo 82603 0.6 mil Polyguard High Secure Orbit Desig...

                          HID Fargo Polyguard 0.6 mil Overlaminate, High Secure Orbit Design - Universal Orientation Genuine HID Fargo part number 82603 (082603) Laminates 250 imprints per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 HID Fargo 82603 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC ...
                          Product details
                        • Fargo 82604 1.0 mil Polyguard High Secure Orbit Desig...

                            HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate, High Secure Orbit Design - Universal Orientation Genuine HID Fargo part number 82604 (082604) Laminates 250 cards per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 HID Fargo 82604 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) ...
                            Product details
                          • Fargo 82607 0.6 mil Polyguard Half Patch For Mag Stri...

                              HID Fargo Polyguard 0.6 mil Overlaminate, Half Patch For Magnetic Stripe Side of Card, Cear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82607 (082607) Laminates 250 imprints per roll For use with cartridge 2 only HID Fargo 82607 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e ...
                              Product details
                            • Fargo 82608 1.0 mil Polyguard w/ Half Patch For Mag S...

                                HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate with Half Patch For Magnetic Stripe Side of Card, C'ear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82608 (082608) Laminates 250 imprints per roll For use with cartridge 2 only HID Fargo 82608 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e ...
                                Product details
                              • Fargo 82612 1.0 mil Polyguard w/ Smart Card Window La...

                                  HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate with Smart Card Cutout, Clear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82612 (082612) Laminates 250 imprints per roll For use with cartridge 1 only HID Fargo 82612 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) DTC4500 (DTC 4500) ...
                                  Product details
                                • Fargo 82615 0.25 mil Thermal Transfer Overlaminate Fi...

                                    HID Fargo Thermal Transfer 0.25 mil Laminate Film, Clear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82615 (082615) Laminates 500 imprints per roll For use with single-side lamination module only HID Fargo 82615 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP8500 (HDP 8500) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) DTC4500 (DTC ...
                                    Product details
                                  • Fargo 82618 0.25 mil Thermal Transfer High Secure Orb...

                                      HID Fargo Thermal Transfer 0.25 mil Laminate Film, High Secure Orbit Design - Universal Orientation Genuine HID Fargo part number 82618 (082618) Laminates 500 imprints per roll For use with single-side lamination module only HID Fargo 82618 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP5000 (HDP 5000) HDP8500 (HDP ...
                                      Product details
                                    • Fargo 82602 1.0 mil Polyguard UV Resistant Overlamina...

                                        HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate UV Resistant Genuine HID Fargo part number 82602 (082602) Laminates 250 cards per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 HID Fargo 82602 overlaminates are for use with the following HID Fargo ID card printers: HDP8500 (HDP 8500) HDP5000 (HDP 5000) DTC4500e (DTC 4500e) DTC4500 (DTC 4500) DTC1500 (DTC ...
                                        Product details
                                      • Fargo 82655 1.0 mil Polyguard Clear Overlaminate - 25...

                                          HID Fargo Polyguard 1.0 mil Overlaminate Clear Genuine HID Fargo part number 82655 (082655) Laminates 250 cards per roll For use with cartridge 1 or 2 With left side cutout for large sized smart chip For use with HID Crescendo and other contact chips requiring a larger hole HID Fargo 82601 overlaminates are for use with ...
                                          Product details

                                        Where can I find pricing information?

                                        Many of our vendors require us to advertise at manufacturer suggested retail prices, however, given our strong relationships and positioning, the prices we can offer our customers are much lower. In addition, we offer order quantity discounts and many promotions such as our ongoing trade-in program.

                                        As North America's largest full-service identification and security solutions provider, we offer extremely competitive prices, as well as local on-site service and support. Contact us to get our lowest price.