Magicard Ultima Uno Retransfer ID Card Printer

Product number: 3680-0001 Vendor: Magicard

Powered by a high-grade processing unit with an impressive array of features, Ultima is ideal for the localised or centralised issue of high-volumes of secure smart cards.

An intuitive touch screen, with print preview and supplies indicators, provides an easy-to-use interface to Magicard’s most advanced and durable print engine.

Ultima enables you to print up to 100 high definition full colour cards per hour. The quality of print means staff can quickly and easily identify the facial features on ID cards for comparison against the holder. This makes it the ideal solution for drivers’ licences, national ID cards and other cards where security is paramount.

High-quality reverse transfer card printing The key to the Magicard Ultima is the reverse transfer (also called retransfer) printing process. Unlike the standard dye sublimation process, your card design is first printed on a clear film and that film is then adhered to the card surface. This process gives you a higher definition print quality and allows you to print successfully even on smart cards with uneven surfaces. It also gives you additional card durability and tamper-resistance so the cards will last longer. The Ultima retransfer printer comes with built-in visual security via the use of up to 10 secure HoloKote® watermarks. That means that if you choose to do so, you can distinguish different departments with a separate holographic design. For additional built-in security, Ultima exploits the wavelengths of the dye-film so it can fluoresce under UV lighting.

High capacity consumables (1000 prints) and hoppers, combined with a range of encoding options to write secure electronic data to the card, make the Ultima ideal for high volume localised or centralised issuance of secure smart cards

Is the ​Magicard Ultima ​Simplex right for you?

The ​Ultima Uno is available with different specifications ​—  modules, encoding, lamination, etc. Our local ID experts are available to demonstrate and recommend the right system to fit your specific needs and requirements. Contact us or call 877.213.8180 to speak with a local consultative sales representative.

Other Part Numbers: 3680-0002, 3680-0003, 3680-0004

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    Document Title / Description Size
    Magicard Ultima Retransfer Printer Data Sheet 1119i 5311 kb

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