BadgePass SmartReg™ Enrollment System

Product number: SmartReg Vendor: BadgePass

The BadgePass SmartReg is an automated enrollment system, that allows you to populate data entry fields on your computer screen with a simple swipe of a card.

SmartReg pulls data from any card with machine readable data, and will automatically populate it into your enrollment form or forms by simply swiping the card through a reader. It can populate virtually any Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 screen or form with no data entry!

SmartReg offers built-in support for most cards with machine readable data such as: Driver's Licenses, Credit Cards, Military IDs, and the Foreign Workers Identification Card. The SmartReg system also has a customizable library that allows you to add other ID cards that are unique to your needs.

SmartReg Bundle
Part Number Name / Description
Bundle Includes: BadgePass SmartReg Stand Alone Software, SmartReg SMA (Single Workstation) & Driver's License Reader (Mag Stripe & 2D)

SmartReg Software Versions
Part Number Name / Description
BSR011001 BadgePass SmartReg Server Software
BSR011002 BadgePass SmartReg Workstation License
BSR011003 BadgePass SmartReg Stand Alone Software
BSR012001 BadgePass SmartReg SMA (Single Workstation)
Capture Devices for SmartReg
Part Number Name / Description
BMP051001 BadgePass Driver's License Reader (Mag Stripe & 2D - Includes Cable)
BMP051002 BadgePass Driver's License Reader (2D Only - Includes Cable)
BMP053005 BadgePass OCR Driver's License Imager
BMP053002 BadgePass OCR Camera Driver's License Imager

    Product documents

    Document Title / Description Size
    BadgePass SmartReg sell sheet 957 kb

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