aptiQ™ 13.56 MHz Smart Cards, Keyfobs Credentials

Product number: aptiQ Smart Credentials Vendor: Allegion

Note: aptiQ is now branded Schlage. See Schlage 13.56 MHz Smart Cards, Keyfobs Credentials.

aptiQ™ contactless smart credentials put you in control by delivering smarter solutions. These credentials protect your most sensitive data by utilizing extra layers of security protection, and can be used for many other applications including transit, cashless vending, and cafeteria point of sale. 

aptiQ™ smart credentials operate on a 13.56 MHz frequency, and utilize high security encrypted data, which is mutually authenticated in communication between the card and reader, providing optimum security. aptiQ™ smart credentials offer the choice of 2.5k, 8k, 16k, 32k, and 64k bits of storage, which will meet the most demanding storage requirements.

XceedID Clamshell 7410
Clamshell - 9420 (9400 Series)

Clamshell style with MIFARE, ISO, 2.5k bit capacity and 5 application sectors.
XceedID Clamshell 7410
Clamshell - 9451 (9400 Series)

Clamshell style with MIFARE, ISO, 8k bit capacity and 16 application sectors.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
ISO-Glossy White - 9520 (9500 Series)

ISO style card with MIFARE, ISO, 2.5k bit capacity and 5 application sectors.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
ISO-Glossy White - 9551 (9500 Series)

ISO style card with MIFARE, ISO, 8k bit capacity and 16 application sectors.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
ISO-Glossy White - 9558 (9500 Series)

ISO style card with MIFARE, ISO, 32k bit capacity and 40 application sectors.
XceedID Keyfob
Keyfob - 9651 (9600 Series)

Keyfob style card with MIFARE, ISO, 8k bit capacity and 16 application sectors.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
PVC Patch - 9751 (9700 Series)

PVC Patch style card with MIFARE, ISO, 8k bit, 1k byte capacity and 16 application sectors.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
PVC Patch - 9758 (9700 Series)

PVC Patch style card with MIFARE, ISO, 32k bit, 4k byte capacity and 40 application sectors.
XceedID Clamshell 7410
Clamshell - 8420/8440/8480 (8400 Series)

Clamshell style with MIFARE, DESFire EV1 and 2k/4k/8k byte capacity.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
ISO-Glossy White - 8520/8540/8580 (8500 Series)

ISO style card with MIFARE, DESFire EV1 and 2k/4k/8k byte capacity.
XceedID Keyfob
Keyfob - 8620/8640/8680 (8600 Series)

Keyfob style card with MIFARE, DESFire EV1 and 2k/4k/8k byte capacity.
XceedID ISO-Glossy White
PVC Patch - 8720/8740/8780 (8700 Series)

PVC Patch style card with MIFARE, ISO, DESFire EV1 and 2k/4k/8k byte capacity.

    Product documents

    Document Title / Description Size
    Allegion - aptiQ Smart Credentials datasheet 346 kb

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