Order & Inquire about ID Products and Access Control Systems
We are not a typical e-commerce site
At IdentiSys, we pride in providing exceptional customer service. We understand that people still like to do business with people. That won’t change in our lifetime and it may never change. That is why we designed our business model in a way that will ensure you receive the best customer service and experience.
Sometimes you just need to talk to a person
What modules can you add to your ID system? Which plastic cards do you order? Do you need software and which one will work best for you? What are the different types of security readers and which credentials are compatible? What are the different types of ribbons and cleaning supplies you need for your system? What are the pros and cons of a manual metal plate embosser compared to an industrial one? What type of badge holder works best for your access card?
Let's face it, identification and access security systems can get confusing and sometimes even overwhelming. Our trained consultative sales representatives are here to help you and can guide you through questions like these.
Using "Items of Interest"
The "Items of Interest" is an electronic list you make that consists of products and services from IdentiSys that you are interested in. After compiling the list you can submit the list to us. You will be contacted shortly by an experienced consultative sales representative that can answer all of your questions to ensure you get the right services, products, supplies and accessories you need.
To order and inquire about products from IdentiSys.com, click on the "Add to items of interest" button at the bottom of each product page. Once you are done adding items you are interested in, click on the "Items of interest" link on the top right-hand corner of the site to be directed to a page where you can finalize and submit your request. Once the submission is sent, a representative from IdentiSys will immediately follow up with you on your inquiry.
Set up an account
You can set up a free account to make it more convenient for you to find often viewed items. Having an account will enable you to save items in your "Items of Interest" area and view them later for future orders and inquiries.
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