COVID-19 Tracing, Testing and Vaccine Distribution Solutions

Our mass vaccine distribution solutions can be configured in many ways to accommodate different methods for mass distribution. Contact us today to learn how IdentiSys can help your organization plan for mass vaccine distribution.

employee and volunteer ID card issuance

Employee and Volunteer Card Issuance

Mobile ID is an integrated software solution that has the ability to capture staff data, manage that information in a shared database and print secure IDs.

Download the Mobile ID PDF

temperature check tracking

Temperature Check Tracking

Identify and monitor people for signs of COVID-19 by performing temperature checks as they enter your facility. Identify whose temperature was taken, when it was performed, and at what temperature they were measured using the EPIC Track App solution from your smartphone, tablet device or a desktop workstation. 

Download the Temperature Check Mobile Solution PDF
building occupancy management

Building Occupancy Management

Mobile Solutions® provides a secure, automated way to quickly gather basic contact information of people entering your facility, create a head-count and timestamp as they enter, and/or track activity while on the premises during their visit for greater accountability and protection.

Download the COVID-19 Occupancy Management PDF
covid-19 ID card and test verification

COVID-19 ID Card and Test Verification

Mobile Solutions® provides an automated identification management and ID card issuance solution for COVID-19 testing using Mobile ID software and a secure ID card printing system. Design IDs to reflect pertinent information that identifies a person’s COVID-19 test results, date of test, photo, name, etc.

Download the COVID-19 ID Card Issuance PDF

test station drive-through

Test Station Drive-Through

Mobile Solutions® provides an automated identification, registration, and tracking solution - perfect for quick, efficient and accurate on-site testing. Identify attendees as they are parked in line and quickly process each person as they are tested for COVID-19. Using the Mobile Solutions Cart, quickly collect attendee ID data, issue an ID label with a QR, and register them into the event.

Download the Test Station Drive-Through PDF


facility mass testing

Facility Mass Testing

Mobile Solutions® provides an automated identication, registration, and tracking solution - perfect for quick, efficient and accurate on-site testing. Identify employees/visitors as they stand in line and quickly process each person as they are tested for COVID-19. With Mobile Solutions, your team can eciently identify, track, and manage long lines of patients at any location.

Download the Facility Mass Testing PDF
mass vaccine distribution

Mass Vaccine Distribution

Be prepared to manage the distribution of large numbers of the COVID-19 vaccine to the public. Mobile Solutions® provides an automated way to identify, register individuals or entire families together, and track personnel administering the COVID-19 vaccine. Identify the location, staff dispensing medication, and individuals receiving the vaccine. Manage vaccine inventory by tracking medication received, perform reconciliation, and monitor inventory levels. Generate reports for verification and auditing purposes.

Download the Mass Vaccine Distribution PDF

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