CJIS ​Advanced Authentication Compliance

​Multi-Factor Authentication for Law Enforcement Agencies

Logical Access Solutions

A joint program of the FBI, State Identification Bureaus, and CJIS Systems Agency, the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy mandates that ​​advanced ​authentication is required for all law enforcement personnel accessing NCIC criminal justice information outside of a secure location.

Implementing advanced authentication adds an additional layer of security to protect sensitive information like fingerprints and criminal backgrounds gathered by local, state, and federal criminal justice and law enforcement agencies.

"Advanced authentication" or "multi-factor authentication" requires an additional separate factor or credential in order to complete the log-in process. The typical user login setup with only a username an password is considered a "one-factor authentication."

Criminal justice and law enforcement agencies should become familiar with the requirements set by the CJIS policy prior to procurement and deployment of affected systems.

As your local identification and security expert, IdentiSys can assist with all your logical access and ​​advanced authentication requirements.