Vision Database Systems

IdentiSys offers Vision Database Systems (VDS) software products for ID carding and ID tracking

Vision Database Systems is a photo ID software development firm that has been supplying state-of-the art ID card and tracking solutions for over 18 years.  After success with its ID Card Software, RapIDcard in the 1990s VDS went on to develop PC Based and Handheld ID tracking programs for schools, universities, businesses, events and more.  Their photo ID card system software creates emergency and essential personnel ID badges and their Handheld Tracking and Biometric Authentication solutions validate an individual's identity, and manage and track proper security credentials.

Our online product catalog represents only some of the products we offer from ​​Vision Database Systems. Contact us to inquire about our full product offering from Vision Database Systems.

Product offering includes:

Complete tracking systems, handheld devices, desktop ID readers, mobile ID readers, desktop & portable printers, accessories and more.

Click here to visit the Vision Database Systems website

Products from Vision Database Systems

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  • PerfectPass K-12 Cloud-Based Behavior Management System

      PerfectPass is a new cloud-based student discpline management solution. School administrators can quickly scan student IDs to view student information from any desktop web-browser or the free PerfectPass iOS mobile app. Verify a student’s photo and information, print passes, assign warnings, manage detentions and more. Key Features Administration-on-the-Go - From viewing class ...
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    • Pocket Tracker screenshot

      Vision Database PockeTracker Red Green Tracking

        A mobile ID solution for permitting and denying entry into user defined areas.  Using barcode, mag, or a contactless scanner, PockeTracker can instantly and positively identify ID cardholders, provide an instant group count including individual's name, ID number, and time of entry, AND pass the audit information to an event ...
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      • PockeTracker Handheld for K012

        Vision Database Systems PockeTracker K12 Tracking

          PockeTracker K12 is a great mobile tracking solution that by displaying the student photo quickly, a positive ID insures that no student gets away with using another student's ID.  Bus number, medical information, other information can display instantly. Check a student schedule and if not where they are supposed to ...
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        • RapIDTrack screenshot

          Vision Database Systems RadIDtrack Red Green Tracking

            RapIDtrack Red Green is a desktop solution for tracking individuals -providing the ultimate in PC-based attended access control.  The program can be used in student gyms, dorms, and other areas needing attended access. RapIDtrack Red Green also contains the Pocketracker Gateway, which is a service that allows handheld mobile tracking ...
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          • Vision Database Systems RapIDtrack K12

              RapIDtrack K12 handles positive behavior management as well as tardy and discipline management.  Any school policy can be custom entered, easily modified and strictly enforced.  It helps minimize paperwork and get tardy students processed and off to class.  Individually and daily transaction reports can be generated, as well as parental ...
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