Specialty Sensor Technologies Inc.

IdentiSys offers SST emergency response and tracking, barcode, and access control systems.

Specialty Sensor Technologies Inc (SST) is a privately held engineering and manufacturing company located in Montreal, Canada. Incorporated in 1996 with a vision of developing and manufacturing a broad range of specialized sensor products, SST initially developed products specifically and exclusively for certain customers. Since then, we have shifted our focus towards development of our own products. Our current product offerings span many industries including machine health monitoring (vibration sensors and displays), time and attendance (portable data collectors and door access readers), age verification (EasyID and ContactID), and industrial monitoring (humidity sensors).

Our online product catalog represents only some of the products we offer from ​Specialty Sensor Technologies. Contact us to inquire about our full product offering from Specialty Sensor Technologies.

Product offering includes:

Access control time and attendance readers and modules, barcode readers, portable magstripe readers, emergency tracking readers and more.

Click here to visit the Specialty Sensor Technologies Inc. website

Products from Specialty Sensor Technologies Inc.

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  • ta48

    SST TA510 Portable Magstripe Reader

      The TA510 is a portable magnetic card reader able to read all 3 tracks of standard magnetic stripe cards. It contains a number of hardware features that support full user interface, including a graphic LCD display with optional back light, a thumbwheel for data entry, and a multimedia card slot ...
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    • ta48

      SST TA48 Portable Magstripe Reader

        The TA48 is a smaller version of our very popular TA90 magnetic card reader. Capable of reading both tracks 1 and 2 of standard magnetic stripe cards, it provides all the features of the TA90 but in a package about the size. The TA48 gives a visual indication that the swipe ...
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      • SST TA32 Portable Magstripe Reader

          The TA32 ultra miniature card reader is 30% smaller than any other portable magstripe reader in the world. Use it to read all 3 tracks of standard magstripe cards. Each transaction is timestamped and stored in non-volatile memory for easy retrieval later. This reader has a longer swipe length which ...
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        • SST PR232 Portable Magstripe Reader

            The PR232 ultra miniature card reader is 30% smaller than any other portable magstripe reader in the world. Use it to read all 3 tracks of standard magstripe cards. Each transaction is timestamped and stored in non-volatile memory for easy retrieval later. This reader has a longer swipe length (compared ...
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          • SST AT720 Handheld Scanner

            SST AT720 Handheld Magstripe, Barcode and RFID Reader

              SST redefines handheld scanners with the AT720, a high value portable scanner able to read barcode, magstripe and RFID badges. Its ergonomic design allows left or right handed operation for effortless scanning and data entry even in the most demanding situations. Up to 8,000 scans are stored in a non-volatile memory with ...
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            • SST BC520 ER Barcode Reader

              SST BC520 ER Portable Barcode Reader

                The BC520ER is a portable barcode reader for use in tracking emergency response teams. ERT personnel are scanned IN and OUT of the emergency area using pre-issued ID cards. Up to 4,000 scans are stored in a non-volatile memory with a time stamp for downloading later to a computer.
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