CardExchange Solutions

IdentiSys is an authorized partner and certified CardExchange ​distributor, offering ​CardExchange's ID card software.

CardExchange Solutions, Inc. provides card design software solutions worldwide for a variety of markets with applications from entry level to advanced technology solutions including biometrics and customization.

Our online product catalog represents some of the products we offer from ​CardExchange. Contact us to inquire about our full product offering from CardExchange.

Product offerings include:

ID card design software

Click here to visit the CardExchange Solutions website

Products from CardExchange Solutions

  • CardExchange Producer Enterprise Master Edition Software

      Enterprise is your choice if you are doing any special encoding of your cards. ​CardExchange supports the latest technology in contactless encoding, including MIFARE DESFire EV1 and SAM AV2. There is an easy to use step-by-step wizard to help you setup the encoding of your cards. CardExchange® Producer Enterprise allows you to ...
      Product details
    • CE Business_Master-230x230

      CardExchange Producer Business Master Edition Software

        CardExchange® Business Edition has all the features of standard Producer Professional and includes MIFARE® Classic encoding and biometeric. It is also the first edition with the ability to run on a network with concurrent users. Business Edition has the ability to centrally manage all client licenses and shared data in ...
        Product details
      • CardExchange Producer Enterprise Edition Software

          Enterprise is your choice if you are doing any special encoding of your cards. ​CardExchange supports the latest technology in contactless encoding, including MIFARE DESFire EV1 and SAM AV2. There is an easy to use step-by-step wizard to help you setup the encoding of your cards. CardExchange® Producer Enterprise allows you to ...
          Product details
        • CE Business-230x230

          CardExchange Producer Business Edition Software

            The CardExchange® Business Edition has all the features of the standard Producer Professional and includes MIFARE® Classic encoding and biometeric. It is also the first edition with the ability to run on a network with concurrent users. Business Edition has the ability to centrally manage all client licenses and shared data ...
            Product details
          • CardExchange Producer Professional Edition Software

              Producer Professional is the first edition with one of the most powerful database options available on the market. With the ability to connect every card template to one leading database, and on the moment you print the card, you can store data not only back to the leading database but ...
              Product details
            • CardExchange Producer Premium Edition Software

                With Producer Premium, not only can you use one of the pre-loaded databases, you can also connect to your own MS Access database, MS Excel, and CSV. Every card you create can connect to its own database giving you the ultimate flexibility. ​Features include user and group roles, dropdown picklist fields ...
                Product details
              • CardExchange Producer GO Edition Software

                  CardExchange® Producer GO Edition is an easy-to-use software for entry-level applications and available in a stand-alone license. Producer GO comes with a database, sample card layouts, and card designer software to create the perfect card to meet your needs. It includes a card creation step-by-step wizard to help you setup your ...
                  Product details