Valued IdentiSys Customer,
In this time of uncertainty with the progression of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we want to assure you that meeting your needs remains a top priority, alongside employee health and safety. IdentiSys’ products and services are considered essential to many of the organizations required to serve the public during this pandemic, and therefore we remain open for business — sales, service and customer service are fully operational. While we have a large inventory of equipment and supplies, we are continually monitoring our inventory and adjusting our vendor supply chain, as needed.
IdentiSys has implemented the necessary precautions to maintain a safe workplace environment, while remaining capable of meeting your business requirements. Our sales team is available to serve you, while following the various recommendations of social distancing and working to also follow guidelines, which can vary by state. We can organize webinars and conference calls as well. Our service team continues to offer on-site and depot services, however we have expanded our service offering to include pick-up and drop-off service, where we will pick up and drop off your equipment that is needed for any repair or maintenance.
Please be certain that IdentiSys is here for you and your business. Thank you for making us your partner of choice.