Tactile Impressor

The tactile impressor is a feature exclusive to Entrust that allows you to impress generic or custom designs onto your ID card. The impressor feature utilizes a mechanical die within the laminator that physically impresses a generic or custom design directly onto the card substrate and overlay or patch laminate in the same pass.

With tactile impression, the final output is a card with added counterfeiting and tampering resistance that will impress any cardholder.

The tactile impressor feature is available with:

  • Entrust CD880 with Inline Lamination
  • Entrust CD800 with Inline Lamination
  • Entrust SD460 with Inline Lamination
  • Entrust CR805 with Inline Lamination

If you have any questions or need assistance on ID card printers with the ​​​​tactile impressor, contact us or call today at (877) 213-8180.

  • Datacard Tactile Impression on Driver's License on CD800 and SD460

    Entrust Tactile Impression Die - CD 880, CD 800, SD 460

      The tactile impressor feature, designed exclusively for use in the Entrust SD460 ID card printer, CD880 ID card printer, and CD800 ID card printer with inline lamination module, offers an affordable and entry-level security feature ideal for any card program. Select from generic designs or create a unique design for a tactile ...
      Product details
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