​Signature Pads

Electronic signature pads are used with ID card design software to add signatures to the front or back of ID cards and badges.

Signature pads are also used for various other applications, including the ability to capture signatures for digital documents.

A variety of signature pads are available that are designed​ based on low, medium and high-signing volumes.

If you have any questions or need assistance on what type of​ signature pad you need, contact us or call today at (877) 213-8180.

  • Datacard 572173-001 Tru Signature Solution

      Datacard Tru Signature Solution makes it easy to capture any user's signature electronically and incorporate it into a photo ID for an additional layer of security. The fully integrated Tru Signature Solution includes everything you need to capture, store or print electronic signatures. Integrates easily with Datacard ID Works ...
      Product details
    • datacard signature pad and capture pointe software

      Datacard 572177-001 Signature Pointe Solution

        Datacard Signature Pointe solution includes everything you need to capture, store and print electronic signatures. The rugged signature pad features an interactive LCD that allows users to see their handwriting as they sign, minimizing the chance of errors. The integrated Signature Pointe software, part of the Datacard Capture Pointe Series ...
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      • Evolis Sig100 200 Signature Pad

        Evolis SIG 100-200

          With the signature pads Sig100 and Sig200, you can capture handwritten signatures in high quality and with ease. The Sig100 and Sig200 signature pads can be used with a computer allowing a signature to be directly printed on an ID card with an Evolis card printer. This feature will improve card ...
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        • Topaz T-L460-HSB-R SigLite USB Electronic Signature C...

            The Topaz SigLite LCD 1x5 is a small electronic signature capture pad with transflective LCD that displays electronic ink under the pen tip during signing. USB Interface LCD display for customizability Small size and weight for portability High-quality biometric and forensic capture techniques 3rd-generation touch-screen signing surface for cost efficiency ...
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          • Topaz T-LBK460-HSB-R SigLite USB LCD Signature Captur...

              Touchscreen with passive stylus SigLite 1x5 LCD is Topaz's low-cost pressure-sensitive electronic signature capture pad. SigLite features all the high-quality biometric and forensic capture techniques of a SignatureGem LCD tablet but with a low-cost touchpad and stylus in place of the more rugged digitizing pen and inert tempered glass surface ...
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            • Topaz T-LBK750-BHSB-R SigLite Serial/USB LCD Signatur...

                The T-LBK750-BHSB-R SigLite LCD 4x3 includes all the high-quality electronic signature capture features of Topaz signature pads with the added feature of an LCD interactive display, allowing users to see electronic ink under the pen tip as they sign as well as navigate and display text and graphics. The large ...
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