Reverse transfer printers — commonly referred to as retransfer printers — create high quality, true edge-to-edge plastic ID cards and badges, using reverse image transfer printing technology.
Retransfer printers print images on a transfer film that is then fused on the ID card, covering the entire surface, referred to as "over-the-edge" or "edge-to-edge" printing.
Create vibrant credit card-sized ID cards (3.370"x 2.125"), used for ID badges, ID cards, gift cards, membership cards and more. Retransfer printers for oversized cards are also available to print larger event-style badges.
Note: Composite cards are recommended for retransfer printers, as they can handle the higher temperatures that retransfer printing and lamination produce without distortion. Standard PVC cards may bend in a retransfer printer.
If you have any questions or need assistance on retransfer printers, contact us or call today at (877) 213-8180.