CR80 cards are considered standard sized cards used with most direct-to-card and reverse transfer ID card printers. CR80 style cards are made of PVC or PET-Composite material and are about the size of a credit card (3.4" by 2.15" with .030" thickness).
For most applications, CR80 cards are commonly ordered in blank white, but a wide variety of options and colors are available, including fluorescent and metallic.
CR80 cards are available with a LoCo or HiCo magnetic stripe, like those seen on credit cards and hotel key cards. Additionally, CR80 cards may also be ordered with proximity or smart card technology — cards with an embedded chip and antenna. These types of cards are usually used for physical and logical access.
If you have any questions or need assistance on what type of CR80 card you need, contact us or call today at (877) 213-8180.